Wednesday, 31 December 2014

December 2014 - end of another year

At the end of a year looking towards the beginning of another, reflecting. We all do it don't we, even if we don't write about it or say anything out loud, the "what if's" and the "what will happen next year" questions. If life has taught me anything, it has been this:

  • Whatever happened in 2014, I can't change it now....I can only learn from it
  • If I want anything to happen/not happen in 2015, it's down to me to make it happen

So what has gone well for me in 2014 then?

Mastering the pituitary condition
I think this year has been a massive leap forward for me. In 2013, it was all about diagnosis of a condition, having an operation and recovery....about the condition getting the better of me. In 2014 it was about me saying "to hell with this" and turning it around. I am very proud of the fact that I set out to get a lot fitter and get myself in much better mental shape than I was, and I think I have been largely successful. Without doubt physically I am much better, I still walk several miles a week, I've developed muscles that I haven't had for years and I can break into a run without it feeling like too much effort. I can walk up (almost two steps at a time on a good day) to the fourth floor via the stairs at my office building without gasping for breath.

In addition to the above, Pilates has been a surprise hit. I started in January 2014 and went to the class almost every week in 2014. I am NOT good at sticking to stuff like this and to be honest I wasn't sure I would last very long. But my goodness me, what a difference it has made - simple things like sitting cross legged, couldn't do it....balance on one leg, couldn't do controlled sit-ups, couldn't do it, and the list goes on. My balance is vastly improved, muscle tone has come on in leaps and bounds. We do a move whereby we do the 'plank' and then several reps of press-ups and walking back upright on our hands. Back in about March when we first did the exercise, I could do zero press-ups. At the end of the year our Pilates teacher tried to get us to do two reps of 20 press-ups, we all thought she was mad....I did 18 followed by 9, which was darned impressive I think. We restart our class next Tuesday, I'm really looking forward to it and I will be pushing myself harder in 2015 to achieve more.

I've had a really busy year at work and achieved much. I'm not going to labour this point here, but I KNOW without doubt that prior to 2013 I could not have achieved what I achieved this year, I just didn't have it in me. I think it is this area the Pituitary thing has been most evident, you may expect that putting Cortisol and Testosterone back in my body would help me physically. However, I totally underestimated how much it would affect me mentally and how having the right hormones has enabled me to become more confident and assertive at work. It is a big win.

So what then for 2015? I think it is a simple enough story.....

  • Don't take anything for granted in life
  • Continue to work hard at both keeping the physical/mental gains from 2014, and improving still further in 2015
  • Be the best husband I can be (I've a feeling 2015 will be another tough year for us)

I still consider myself to one of the lucky Pituitary patients who has been able to move on with life and not have undue complications. I just take the medicine and that's that.

So I wish you all a happy 2015 - rock on \m/