Saturday, 16 August 2014

August 2014 - I've been ID'd

Hi there, long time no speak!

Still much the same here, taking the tablets, spreading the gel and symptoms unchanged. Still getting gradually fitter, still doing Pilates, walking and some weight training. 

Reason for the update is that I have finally got around to buying myself some medi-alert ID stuff from this company They do all sorts of ID styles, so I decided to go for both a bracelet and an ID card for my wallet (and car). I've talked about them in the blog before but it has taken a while to properly sit down and get it done. In part because it takes some thinking through what exactly to have on the ID, phone numbers, description of what is up with me etc.

But it has become obvious that when I go out for a walk in the morning and have nothing on me except my house/car keys and my phone, how exactly would anyone ID me at all if I got run over, let alone know that I had a requirement for Hydrocortisone. So now I will wear my shiny new bracelet with pride and all someone has to do is ring the emergency contact number on the bracelet, or scan the barcode to bring up a more detailed set of instructions (I've obscured the phone number, not sure Deb wants her mobile number posted on the web!!)

So there we are, finally I've accepted that I really ought to carry some sort of information about my condition around with me. The card for my wallet is really good too, it has more space for a bit more information. It also made me a bit more aware generally to look out for these kinds of things on other people, it is one of those things you hope never has to be used, but if they do have to be used, they could just be a lifesaver!

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